Soma Medication For Fast Relief From Muscle Pain

Soma is a brand of carisoprodol and is taken as a pain reliever and muscle relaxant. It is prescribed for acute pain arising from musculoskeletal conditions and injuries in combination with rest and physical therapy. Soma medicine produces a sedative effect because it interferes with the pain signals sent from the central nervous system to the brain.
This medicine is only to be taken for a short time and accurately as prescribed by the doctor.
What are the severe side effects of soma use?
Some of the major side effects associated with regular ingestion of Soma medicine for an extended period of time include the following:
1. Chest pain
2. Confusion
3. Chills
4. Convulsions
5. Dizziness
6. Cough
7. Fever
8. Irregular heartbeat
9. Muscle spasm or controllable muscle twitches
10. Shortness of breath
11. Sudden loss of consciousness
12.Unusual bleeding or bruising
13.Swollen glands
14.Unusual weakness or tiredness

If any of the above-listed symptoms appear and persist or worsen over time, do not waste time and consult a doctor immediately.

Withdrawal from soma

Typically, as with any drug of abuse, unpleasant withdrawal reactions can occur when you suddenly stop using the soma drug after it has become habitual. These unwanted withdrawal reactions may include the following:
1. Hallucinations
2. Seizures
3. Anxiety
4. Insomnia
5. Tremors

Soma overdose

Individuals suffering from an overdose of this medicine are likely to take it if you take it for a prescribed amount or longer than your doctor. Some of the symptoms associated with soma overdose include the following:

1. Amnesia
2. Confusion
3. Intoxication
4. Agitation
5. Ataxia
6. Inappropriate behavior
Severe cases of overdose may lead to respiratory depression and subsequent pulmonary aspiration, coma, and eventual death.

Soma addiction

This medicine comes with habit-forming properties; so taking it for a long time or in high doses can make you habitual and dependable. Instead of abruptly discontinuing treatment with this medicine, you should gradually reduce the amount of medicine on doctor's advice.

In the year 2008, approximately 11 million prescriptions for carisoprodol were sent to Americans. According to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) carisoprodol is one of the commonly diverted drugs in the United States, and in recent years has seen an increase in overdose and abuse. It is one of the very common legal drugs in the United States responsible for deaths from prescription overdoses.

Soma misuse is not only a contributing factor in the nation's prescription drug addiction epidemic, but it has also led to thousands of unintentional deaths each year.

According to the American Association of Poison Control Centers, there were approximately 3,600 incidents of deaths from carisoprodol overdoses in the year 2007.

What are the effects of soma abuse on drivers?

In the year 2003, a detailed study was done on the effect of this drug on drivers. Examples of accidents in which a driver took this drug were reviewed in its role in causing accidents.
It turned out that these were the effects that drivers experienced:

1. Confusion
2. Increased reaction time
3. Drowsiness
4. Poor coordination and balance
The driver's skill may deteriorate similarly to benzodiazepines or alcohols due to these effects.

Soma tolerance

The dependence and tolerance of the person consuming this medicine may also increase. Usually, when you undergo treatment with Soma pills, you can build a tolerance to it and it needs an increased amount to produce the same desired effect. He can then start abusing this drug, usually stating that he will ingest more than the medicine prescribed by the doctor.
Of the twenty users of this drug who were part of a study, thirteen were in no way prescribed by a medical practitioner; three took it to increase the effect of the second drug. This drug is known for its ability to potentiate the effects of hydrocarbons.

Other addicts took this drug to mix with alcohol or Xanax or to settle down after cocaine use.

Getting off soma abuse

If you are struggling with the problem of drug abuse, then abruptly stopping its use may not be an appropriate solution. You become so addicted to the drug that you have acquired a dependence on it. You should enlist the help of a health care professional to help you gain control and live a satisfied and fulfilling life.

The success of the rehabilitation program is dependent on how you are going through the withdrawal stages with less complexity. With the detox process, you can also undergo psychological therapy, get involved in group activities and engage with a support group.

Obtaining admission to a rehabilitation center or medical facility can prove beneficial in such cases. You have to go through medical detox for the treatment of drug addiction. Detoxification is the process of reducing unpleasant withdrawal reactions by gradually removing misused substances from your system. This is done to remove the amount of soma pain medicine given to you until the time you need it.


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