Soma Medication For Fast Relief From Muscle Pain
Soma is a brand of carisoprodol and is taken as a pain reliever and muscle relaxant. It is prescribed for acute pain arising from musculoskeletal conditions and injuries in combination with rest and physical therapy. Soma medicine produces a sedative effect because it interferes with the pain signals sent from the central nervous system to the brain. This medicine is only to be taken for a short time and accurately as prescribed by the doctor. What are the severe side effects of soma use? Some of the major side effects associated with regular ingestion of Soma medicine for an extended period of time include the following: 1. Chest pain 2. Confusion 3. Chills 4. Convulsions 5. Dizziness 6. Cough 7. Fever 8. Irregular heartbeat 9. Muscle spasm or controllable muscle twitches 10. Shortness of breath 11. Sudden loss of consciousness 12.Unusual bleeding or bruising 13.Swollen glands 14.Unusual weakness or tiredness If any of the above-listed sympto...